The Department of the Navy is proud to offer a program that benefits crafters and hobbyists. A crafter is defined as an individual producing domestic handcrafted items in the home with Navy trademarks and selling to individual consumers via events or direct sales. Sale sites include street festivals, craft fairs, farmers markets, and online craft marketplaces like Etsy.
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7-103. Attackers quickly move through the objective, destroying remaining enemy resistance. They anticipate a counterattack by maneuver forces, indirect fires, or aircraft. Security is paramount, as the attacker now occupies a position known to the enemy. Attackers consolidate on the objective, reorganize to meet a counterattack, prepare for the next mission, or continue the attack. If the situation allows, commanders immediately begin an exploitation, either with the same force or by passing follow-on forces through the objective area. Reconstitution may be necessary to return units to the fight. Initial attacking forces may reconstitute as follow-on forces pass forward.
The NACA was established in 1915 "to supervise and direct thescientific study of the problems of flight with a view to theirpractical solution." During the next 25 years, the NACA became oneof the world's premier aeronautical research organizations. Still,in 1939 (the year Germany invaded Poland), there were only 500employees and the organization had a modest budget of a little morethan $4 million. Like almost every other government agency, the wartransformed the NACA. It grew from one research facility--theLangley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory in Hampton, Va.--to three.The new facilities were the Ames Aeronautical Laboratory inMountain View, Calif., and the Aircraft Engine Research Laboratoryin Cleveland, Ohio. Employment peaked at 6,077 employees in 1945and the budget that same year was almost $41 million.
Thousands of landing craft were used to transport men and equipment across the English Channel on D-Day. Many different types of craft were used. These ranged from tiny Assault Landing Craft to huge Landing Ships. Other landing craft were fitted with guns or rockets. There was even a 'Landing Barge, Kitchen' to prepare food for the troops. The use of landing craft meant that the Allies could land troops and heavy equipment, such as tanks, on strongly defended beaches that were not previously intended to receive supplies. Because equipment could be brought directly onto the beaches, the landing craft were also a short-term solution to the problem of securing the harbours and ports that were needed for the immediate build-up of men and materiel. Although the development of specialised landing craft began early in the war, it was only on D-Day that they were used on such a scale.
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